We are always being told a wholesome, balanced diet is essential to good health. Equally so for spiritual health we must have a balance in what we do, read and look at. See recommended diet below! |
We are always being told a wholesome, balanced diet is essential to good health. Equally so for spiritual health we must have a balance in what we do, read and look at. See recommended diet below! |
THE BIBLEOtherwise known as The Word of God which Hebrews Ch. 4 tells us is 'living and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword'. Without doubt the most effective weapon for the christian!
If you would like your own free copy please request here |
PRAYERSome people are into meditation. Prayer is way better! Prayer can change things for the better. God listens and answers our prayers in His will. The Bible says that 'the prayer of faith shall save' James 5
If you would would like us to pray with you or for please request here |
ARTICLESHere is a selection of some interesting articles on various topics such as the History of Christendom, How Can I know I am a Christian, How to study the Bible Waiting upon God and so on.
Click here for articles |
DVD'SIf reading is not your thing and prefer something more visual please look here for a dvd that may be of interest. There are not many but we try to update regularly.
If there is something specific you would like to watch please ask here and we will try and get it for you |
Click here to see some other sites and resources we are pleased to recommend